
Brand monitoring is a business analytics process concerned with monitoring various channels on the web or social media in order to gain insight about the company, its products, brand, and anything explicitly connected to that particular business. It is about monitoring the brand’s reputation and reception by the general public and the consumer base and targeted demographic.
What is a "brand"? A brand is seen as one of its company's most valuable assets. It represents the face of the company, the recognizable logo, slogan, or mark that the public associates with the company. In fact, the company is often referred to by its brand, and they become one and the same.
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"Brand" is one of those words that is widely used but unevenly understood. What does “brand” mean, and how has the word’s application changed over time? The first definition of “brand” is the name given to a product or service from a specific source. Used in this sense, “brand” is similar to the current meaning of the word “trademark.” 

More than a century ago, cattle ranchers used branding irons to indicate which animals were theirs. As the cattle moved across the plains on their way to Chicago slaughter houses, it was easy to determine which ranches they were from because each head of cattle was branded. 

With the rise of packaged goods in the 19th century, producers put their mark on a widening array of products - cough drops, flour, sugar, beer - to indicate their source. 

In the late 1880s, for example, as the Coca-Cola Company was getting started, there were many soda producers in every market. Before Coca-Cola could get a customer to reach for a Coke, it needed to be sure the customer could distinguish a Coke from all the other fizzy caramel-colored beverages out there. In the first sense of the word, then, a brand is simply the non-generic name for a product that tells us the source of the product. A Coke is a fizzy caramel-colored soda concocted by those folks in Atlanta. In earlier times, we referred to these non-generic names as “brand names.” 

When Baby Boomers were growing up, marketers might have said that Proctor & Gamble sold a laundry detergent under the brand name Tide. Nowadays, people would simply say P&G sells the Tide brand of laundry detergent. Problem is, the shorthand suggests there’s no difference between a brand name and a brand. But, in contemporary marketing, there is.

Beginning in the later part of the 20th century, marketers began to grasp there was more to the perception of distinctive products and services than their names - described as “the intangible sum of a product’s attributes.” 

Marketers realized that they could create a specific perception in customers’ minds concerning the qualities and attributes of each non-generic product or service. They took to calling this perception “the brand.”

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Brand Observer

Here are some tips on how to watch a brand for moral and ethical correct behavior: * **Research the brand's values and mission.** What d...